Our New Highlight Vacations Mascot Is…

We had a couple of last-minute entries into our mascot contest. The voting is on Thursday February 13th at the teatime social or email me at Highlightvacations@gmail.com by Feb. 13th with your vote.   The winner will be announced on our website: highlightvacations.com

Here are the Entries:

Entry 1:  A globe with a face and arms/legs with a Highlight Vacations baseball hat and binoculars, sunglasses, and a highlight Vacations ID wallet. (representing global exploration & the joy of discovering new places)

Entry 2:  Sea Turtle with a globe for a head and its arms/legs are passports.  It’s shell are hands connected together to create the shell (representing endurance, persistence & the ability to navigate long distances)

Entry 3:  Dog with grey fur riding on a plane.  (symbolizing travel & exploring new horizons)

Entry 4:  Explorer Owl:  An Owl with a travel hat & binoculars, (symbolizing wisdom, insight & a love for adventure)

Entry 5:  Compass Cat:  A curious cat with a compass in its paw or on its collar. (representing curiosity, direction & an instinct to explore)

We will vote for our mascot at the teatime social on Thursday, February 13, 2025 at 7 pm.

Meeting ID:  252 877 3186              Passcode:  002029.         Hope to see you there

Pay With Zelle

We are happy to say that we are a legitimate business company now!  We are set up to take payment by Zelle. (which is bank to bank transfers)  By next month, we will have finished setting up the credit card system as well. There will be a 3% charge for using the credit card system (sorry), but there is no charge for Zelle.  As alway checks and Money Orders will still be accepted.

Friends and Family Program

Our Friends and Family program was a big success and it brought a lot of new people to the club for the community. We will bring it back for the 2025 season, to help you save again.   If you know someone that would like to join us on a trip and they sign up, you both save on your trip and they save on their trip even if it is a different trip.  If you have any questions, please email me: highlightvacations@gmail.com

Day Trips

Our day trips are finished for the season but will start up again in April 2025.

We have a wonderful season with walking day trips in the City and lunches in Long Island.  One of our favorite lunches at the Hard Rock Cafe followed by a walk around NYC.  We will be starting to plan for the upcoming season at this month’s teatime social.  If you would like to make suggestions for this year's day trips, please attend the zoom meeting or email me the information at highlightvacations@gmail.com.

Activity Levels:

One of the new programs that we implemented last year was the “Activity Level” for each trip/vacation. This gives the traveler an idea of the level of activity for the trip and how much walking/activity that is per day. Here is the list of the Activity Levels for all day trips and vacations for the upcoming year.

Guide to Activity Level for Trips

Activity Level 1: I’m a Chilling •
-This is your trip to sit back and relax. Walking is to the minimal, maybe walk a mile during the day. Stopping and smelling the roses is a must on this trip. You like to take your time and enjoy what you are doing. You don’t want to be rushed to the next activity. (Lots of stops to rest).

Activity Level 2: Keep the Pace: ••
-You like to spend most of the day walking and sightseeing, and you can keep up with the group. You like to see a lot and to stay busy, but you also like a restful afternoon by the pool or reading a good book occasionally. These travelers can walk from 2 to 4 miles in the morning with ease and enjoy a quiet afternoon.

Activity Level 3: On Your Feet traveler! •••
-This is for the traveler that likes to be on the go. To spend the morning in a museum or sight seeing a castle. Then they have the opinion to go swimming in the afternoon or shopping or continuing exploring the area. These travelers like to constantly like to be on the go! This group can walk from 5 to 9 miles a day, it’s up to what you do!

Activity Level 4: What’s Next on the List: ••••
-You enjoy spending the day on the move! You are comfortable spending the day walking around town, or uneven paths, or taking public transportations. You are ready for anything!!! You want to see everything and you are willing to try new things. These travelers can walk up to 10 miles or more a day and be ready tomorrow to do it again.

Activity Level: Choose Your Pace:
This is a trip that is the traveler’s pick. It allows the traveler to pick the activity level that they would like to do for that day. Staff will be available for them on a day-by-day rotation, so that each traveler will be able to do their activity level that they choose for the day. If the activity level cannot be covered on a particular day because of staff shortage, it will be selected on the following day

Teatime Socials

Our teatime socials are the second Thursday of each month @ 7:00 pm If you have already been to one of our teatime socials, you do not have to sign up again. If you would like to join us for the first time, please sign up on our website: www.highlightvacations.com or highlightvacations@gmail.com

Meeting ID: 252 877 3186       Passcode: 009029

Celebrate Good Times!!!

Birthday Wishes

February:  Mary B. (1st), Jessica B. (6th),  Gale G. (13th), David L. (23th) & Ted C. (27th)

March: Kent L. (5th), Ben K. (11th), & Larry W. (13th)

Email me and let me know when it’s your birthday, anniversary , graduation or any good news that you have, so I can share it with everyone. please email me at: highlightvacations@gmail.com

Mary Bozzone, Executive Director
©Highlight Vacations, LLC
2969 Avenue T, Brooklyn NY 11229